Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blog #8- Collins Tile and Stone

Blog #8- Collins Tile and Stone

            This week our class was privileged to go on a field trip to Collins Tile and Stone.  Collins offers the finest stone fabrication and installation in Lubbock and the surrounding area. They work with all kinds of projects from commercial jobs to simple residential jobs. The company had a major fabrication facility for polishing and cutting stone into the shape, size, and extra features that a client needs. They are considered to me one of the most advanced facilities in the Greater South Plains.
            When the field trip and tour began we all gathered around a small showcase kitchen that was ornamented in a variety of different glass and stone tile designs. The employee talked about the wide variety of stones that he carries in the store. It was interesting to see how there was a group of about six granites that he buys in bulk and are considered to be the most popular and standard granites being used in the area for the time being. Looking at the different types of granite I instantly could name a place that I have seen that same granite in the Lubbock area and all around Texas for the most part.
            He was very informative on how many different types of stone surfaces are available as resources in the design world. I found it very interesting how the same type of stone found in different regions of the world have completely different appearances or have very similar appearances that is also considered evidence in world history and geography of the theory of continental drift.  I really enjoyed learning about how different stones are better in certain areas. Some are more durable such as granite. Granite is better for a kitchen countertop then marble would be because marble stains very easily. The good thing is we can still use the beautiful stone marble in places such as a bathroom. He had many interesting and informative facts that will be helpful for the rest of my life in the design world. It was a great learning experience.
            After meeting in the kitchen showroom we were escorted to the outside of the building where the slabs of stone are housed. This was an awesome experience to see the different cuts of granite, marble, and several other stones.  Seeing the slabs up close is a great experience to really see and feel the texture and pattern of the stone. Collins Tile and Stone had a variety of slabs that ranged in many different prices. The most important thing I learned about the slabs is that you cant buy half of a slab you have to buy the whole thing. For example, if you need two and a half slabs of granite to cover your kitchen you have to buy three. After touring the area that holds the huge slabs of stone the employee took us through the back warehouse part of the building where the advanced fabrication and polishing facility is located. There were a lot of employees back there each running there own section of the machinery. The machines were enormous and very fascinating to watch in action. When the tour was over the employee was so nice and let us go through and get pieces of scrap stone to take home with us. This was so wonderful because I got a piece of marble that was perfect for the flooring I put in my Bathroom Design project this week.  I really enjoyed this field trip and was extremely impressed by the company’s excellent hospitality to the class. 

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