Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Blog #11


            In our Materials course with Dr. Gaines we received the privilege to tour PSC Architectural Firm. (Parkhill, Smith, & Cooper). The firm was established in Lubbock, Texas in 1945 and has now expanded in several places in the South Western Region of the United States. The company holds true to their goal of sustainability. The firm itself employs over 200 people that are all divided into categories: architectural, interiors, engineering, and landscape design. The Building in Lubbock, Texas is LEED certified. The company is proud to say they are one of the first LEED certified buildings in the West Texas area.
            The field trip started off in the conference room. We had a great discussion on what architecture and interior design is really like in the real world. I felt extremely educated after leaving the conference room alone. I learned about the different factors of what being LEED certified truly is. The one word that will forever be stuck in my mind is sustainability. I did not quite understand what that meant before the field trip. I now know that there are many factors that create a sustainable product or building.
            After the conference room, we got the privilege of touring the firm itself. Two different buildings divide the company. The first building is where everyone met in the conference room. We were told that typically this is about as far as anyone will get into the building unless you are an employee or under certain circumstances. I felt honored! After leaving the conference room we toured through the main areas where the architects, engineers, and interior designers do all of their work. It was a great experience to see what the actual working environment for a designer could potentially be for me in the near future.
            I really enjoyed this field trip. I learned an incredible amount of information and am so happy that I got to tour a LEED certified building for the first time. I know that this field trip is going to be beneficial for the rest of my career. My favorite part of the field trip was seeing the break down of how a green roof is set up. I never thought about the reality of what would be a better insulator then natural earth and greenery itself. This field trip was an eye-opener that will forever be a memory. 

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