Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Blog #10- Jeff Seal Homes of Distinction

Jeff Seal Homes of Distinction
            Last week our class went on a field trip to tour a few under construction homes built by Jeff Seal. This was an excellent learning opportunity for our class to visually see all of the elements that go forth during the construction of an architectural space.  Jeff Seal builds custom homes that if wanted could match European design.  
            Jeff Seal had a lot of excellent advice for student designers but one thing that really stuck was describing his idea of a finished home. His goal is to consider a house complete when it feels and looks like a beautiful completed home without the elements of furniture and accessories. In the first home, everything was customized. The clients described exactly what type of rooms they wanted in each space as well as the style of home they wanted to live in. They chose a European design that entailed similar brickwork and vaults. The lighting was perfect for the European design that they were trying to achieve.
            Jeff Seal had one interior designer named Abby, who was credible for creating all of the drawings for the details and finishes of the house. The door was custom made and Abby hand drew the door and then got it approved by Jeff and the Clients and the door was created. She also drew all of the cabinetry and picked out all of the lighting. It was really cool to see how much work interior designers actually put into the design and construction of an architectural structure.
            The second house was extremely large. Jeff and Abby described it as a castle. The entry door had to be the biggest door I have ever seen on a home. It went all the way to the top of the house. (two stories). In each of the houses that we toured he had integrated great use of different types of vaults and domes. Especially in the second house, it had combinations of domes, groin vaults, and tunnel vaults.
            I really enjoyed this field trip because it was fun to see the raw elements of a house under construction. Jeff Seal is a very talented architectural designer and I am so happy I got to see some of his work and learn about Jeff Seal Homes of Distinction. 


  1. Jeff Seal's homes are extremely beautiful! And super exciting to look at and tour! It was also way neat to see an interior design in practice and learn how diverse their job can be! It makes it more exciting to learn all we can in school now so we can eventually create beautiful spaces like Abby and Jeff! Great job miss Claire!

  2. I really like your collage of all the pictures from Jeff Seal's homes. I agree that it was a good oppurtunity for our class to see everything that goes into building a home. Also, I agree that he gave us really good advice when it comes to coming up with our own creative designs. I reeally like your blog about this field triP!
