Monday, October 17, 2011

Blog Post #5- The Design Expo 2011

This year at the Texas Tech University Design Expo 2011 was an awesome experience. Each student or person attending design expo gets to walk around and visit different venues that have samples and all sorts of extra samples and handouts for the guests. The design day was so much fun, I and several other classmates started the day off by attending the learning lunch that had a guest speaker. Brian Graham is a designer that currently is working for knoll furniture. He had lots of great advice for the listeners. He had lots to say about design process, clients, and about companies that we may possibly work for in the future.

At the Design Expo that started at 4:00 later that day, me and several friends got there a little bit early we all were waiting around anxiously excited to walk around all of the different venues. As we walked into the showroom at the market alumni center we were given a bag that had design expo 2011 written on it, we were also given a piece of paper that was used to vote for the best vendor that could potentially win a prize if they won. There were lots of great venues but one in particular truly caught my eye.

Bart Turner, who is the owner of Bart Turner and Associates, was by far my favorite vendor. He had so much positive energy and lots of interesting things to say about what his company’s purpose in the design world is all about. When I got to his station he began by giving out a pen, and talking about the basics of his company. Some of these were signs that are used in different settings such as hospitals and schools. They were a very simple and clean design that for example could be used to put the sign on the outside of a hospital room door that lets the nurses and doctors and family members know what is going on in that particular room. Such as being on a fall precaution, having this sign clean and orderly was a great way for the nurse to know that this particular patient is going to need assistance to go to the bathroom and other things because they are prone to falling in the condition that they are currently in.

As he was explaining all of the different types of sign designs that he works with, there was a brochure to the side that talked about television screens and creating menus with them. For example, in a modern and eco friendly design of a restaurant typically the restaurant would just print out menus and hand them out to the guest. With Bart Turners explanations, the newest thing is to put a television screen that is touch screen with a menu so that the customer can just touch on the television screen and create their own order and the order will be electronically sent directly back to the kitchen. Having this feature will create such an easy flow of the eating orders. Instead of having a waiter write down your order and possibly write down the wrong order you now can touch the screen and the order will be just the way your order it on the screen. Bart Turner was so enthusiastic when explaining all of this really cool new technology. For his presentation he had uploaded a video of this new technology in design that showed different examples of how these computer operated touch screen televisions can be used. The video was a great explanation.

I voted for Bart Turner and Associates as the best venue at the Design Expo. I did this because he truly explained the concepts of the design better then the videos that he showed us himself. He was so informative and motivational to me as a student about all of the new exquisite technology that I as a future designer will get to work with. I really enjoyed the Design Expo; I have enjoyed it every year that I have gone. It was fun to get dressed up, walk around with friends, eat snacks and learn about all of this great new innovative stuff in the design world. I am looking forward to the next two years of design expo and hopefully I will see Bart Turner again and talk more with him about how his new technology design is working out in the real world, I am sure he will have something new going on that will amaze me. Design Expo is a great experience for students to experience, there are so many venues that you can see how broad the interior design world truly is and all of the cool things that we will get to see in the future. 

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